What is the Lord calling you to? What has He been nudging you to? What have you been running away from that He has been leading you to?
Have you been working on making your house a home?
Have you been dressing the way the Lord has been leading you? Not how He leads me but YOU.
Are you answering the call on your life from Him? Children, staying home versus working outside the home, marriage, sharing your ministry of being a homemaker with others- these are all parts of that calling and there is more that He shares with you and not me.
Do you have a talent that you could share with other homemakers? Are you a coupon queen? Do you have special talent in the kitchen that you could teach others? Do you sew, knit etc and can teach others?
Have you been giving to charity? Have you been sharing the Gospel with others? Have you been hospitable?Have you prayed for our country?
Just a few questions to ask yourself.
Have a great and blessed day!!!