One chicken per person guarantees one egg per person per day. Get a rooster so you get more chickens for more eggs. Tractor Supply is a good place to get them because they come vaccinated already. Study up now on the different ways to cook eggs so you don't get tired of scrambled and fried! Oh, and chickens love scraps - except for raw potatoes and meat - so you can save money on their feed.
Don't forget to stock up on pet food.
Emergency Essentials - please buy thru me - has ten pound cans of cheese flakes and butter flakes. These may not taste great alone but they taste just fine when they are baked into something or if you top a casserole with it and bake with it. And these cans last twenty five to thirty years. Plus they have lots of other things,too - in five gallon buckets and in ten pound cans.
Grow an herb garden. It's very easy - just buy some seed packs or look for an herb garden kit in the gardening section of Walmart. And this way you can make your own seasonings for your meals. Plus some herbs are good for health problems. Get a book on herbs so you will know which one to use for which health issue
I can't stress enough how important it is to get books on herbs, emergency survival medical care, foraging, building, survival techniques and more since you can't memorize everything. You will not have access to the internet so you need books.
I can't stress enough how important it is to get books on herbs, emergency survival medical care, foraging, building, survival techniques and more since you can't memorize everything. You will not have access to the internet so you need books.
Get a po box number instead of an address to deflect where you live.
Get a food grinder. If you can't afford barrels of wheat, buy bags of popcorn and beans. You can grind those into flour also. Make sure your grinder will do popcorn seeds, not all do.
Shelf stable milk is more expensive then powdered milk. You can find shelf stable milk at Walmart but powdered milk requires water to mix it up so maybe do a little of both. Powdered milk tastes just fine when mixed into something or poured into cereal.
canned broth adds a lot to soups!
Have a make shift toilet - a five gallon bucket can be found for a few dollars at the paint sections of stores and camping supplies stores and Emergency Essentials. Have a toilet seat that fits properly on the top. Don't bother with the expensive waste bags they sell next to it - just use regular dark trash bags. Stock up on toilet paper,too.
Matches, flashlights, batteries, oil lamps (don't forget lamp oil or olive oil to light these lamps), these are all needed. Please note that olive oil will not catch fire like lamp oil and even though the initial price is higher you use less olive oil then lamp oil so it turns out to be cheaper. candles- tapers give off more light than jars. don't forget candle holders for them. goodwill is where i get mine for less than a dollar per.
Buy beans and rice in large bags at Walmart since the price will be cheaper then if you buy them elsewhere. Do not open and put inside a five gallon bucket.
You can use soda bottles, once cleansed, to store water but not plastic milk jugs. Change the water every six months.
Canned goods - get whatever vegetables, fruits, and meal items like spaghetti, chili, etc, and store these away. Make sure any canned soups you get don't require water to make!
Band aids, pain relievers, first aid cream, alchol, perixiode, cold medicines - whatever types of things you keep in your medicine cabinet, stock up on.
Baking soda - you can bake with it, use it as a paste to draw out the venom of various bug bites, brush your teeth with it, use it to soak in if you get poison ivy, wash your hair with it, do your laundry in it, and clean with it. Stock up on it.
Hit after holiday sales for candy sales. Candy is a good treat for kids and you, and you will need a treat.
Ziploc bags keep things for years. Store your unopened candy in zipped bags.
Ziploc bags keep things for years. Store your unopened candy in zipped bags.
Don't forget the kids will need activities - books, art supplies, games, a ball - think of things your kids would like to do if there is no power and they're bored.
Remember to stock up on things people will want to barter with. Batteries, cigarettes, matches - these are good things to keep on hand.
Grab seeds every time you go to the store. Plant them as soon as the weather is good. Get a gardening book, that will tell you what you need to know. Some crops, like spinach and lettuce, can be done in cold weather if the proper precautions are taken.
Get a can opener or two.
If you are hooked on coffee, get a camping coffee maker or a non electric coffee pot found in the antique stores or get a Mr Coffee french press for twenty dollars at Walmart. u make tea by making sun tea. just let it sit in the sun to brew!
Battery operated fans will be great when the heat is on and there is no power. So will sitting in a kiddie pool!
Paper plates, plastic silverware, plastic cups will be needed to save water on washing dishes.
Paper plates, plastic silverware, plastic cups will be needed to save water on washing dishes.
check into making a zeer pot for when you have no fridge. google it. look up alternative refrigeration.
propane grills with propane are a great idea but what will happen when u can't afford propane or get to the store to buy it? learn how to cook over a fire.
flannel sheets, sleeping bags , quilts- collect these. when the temps drop you need to stay warm. dress everyone in sweats for added warmth. snuggle together too. i bought several of all this at thrift shops for little money. coats too.
pens and notepads- get several.
have a meeting place just in case. a code word for families too.
sox, extra shoes- kids grow ya know- these might be handy.
search youtube for prepping and survival videos.
guns, ammo.
a tent may be needed to live in . seriously. depending on where u live running may be better than staying.
cooking oil , salt, cinnamon, - grab extras often.u can barter with these too.
cooking oil , salt, cinnamon, - grab extras often.u can barter with these too.
cheapest shampoo- alberto v05 is 79 cents at walmart.
u can grow tea and sweetener. mint teas are good to drink, and good for health issues. especially peppermint. stevia can be bought at a plant nursery and used as sweetener in place of sugar. use 1/3 of stevia for what the sugar is called for. tear off the leaves and place in a paper bag, crush when dried.
feminine products.
a deck of cards is a good idea! i buy board games for a dollar at goodwill all the time.
diapers? if baby gets a rash , let him go withut a diaper to clear it up..
if u suspect u are pregnant but don't have access to a dr or a tes , wait 17 days. if your cycle doesn't start then u are probably pregnant. unless you are "older", then it could be perimenopause. get a book!!!! i have given birth 3 times unattended so don't panic!
baby wipes are good too and can be bartered with.
goats are cheaper to buy, and to feed. now u will have milk. get a book! storey's guide to goats is my recommendation.
an extra pair of glasses is a good idea. buy the cheapies- this ain't about looks but rather survival! walmart has $9 frames.
a generator is expensive to run. learn how to do things without it. solar lights are between $1 and 3 at wally world. i bought a solar cell phone charger. at wally world too. online only.
a generator is expensive to run. learn how to do things without it. solar lights are between $1 and 3 at wally world. i bought a solar cell phone charger. at wally world too. online only.
a camping shower will be a great thing to have. walmart has cheap $8 ones that are better than nothing and they have $100 that are great too. however they are propane run so.... check the online site. walmart is $45 cheaper than anyone else on camping showers.
throw brand loyalty out the window. and remember- this ain't a beauty pageant. while things remain as they have been , dress like normal. when survival is the key forget yourself.
learn how to start a fire. with or without matches!
animals will need shelter too, keep that in mind.
books books books! i can't stress this enough.
if you think things can't get bad, they are shooting each other for gas in new york. they have no food in staten island and no one has even gone in to access the damage there yet. it will be another month for some to get power. they have been hit by the hurricane, and an earthquake in the last week and a blizzard is heading their way. regardless of who is president they are struggling big time. remember katrina too.